Tuesday, December 22, 2009
G20 Response
The police took rather unnecessary harsh action against these protestors and not only shut down roads and restricted their freedom of speech but also used LRAD sonic guns to break up the crowds. These sonic guns had only been formerly used in Iraq against crowds of terrorists. The police used harmful, disrupting tactics to prove that they are the ones in charge and unnecessarily hurt many innocent people along the side-roads. It is reasonable to have some police located at a sight of a protest just to be there for the safety of the people if a fight breaks out, but the police action seen at these Pittsburgh Protests is disgusting. Their main goal was to show that the police authority and the government have more power over regular citizens, however, doesn’t our country stand for something else? Where do we see the police abiding by the amendments during this incident?
I was also very angered to see that the police authorities took such harsh treatment against Eliott Madison, just because he was “twittering” the location of the police to the protesters from his hotel room throughout the rally. He was arrested and his apartment was searched by an FBI counter-terrorism unit. This infers that he was suspected to be a type of ‘terrorist’- since an FBI counter-terrorism unit raided his NY apartment. This angers me most because Eliott Madison is just a normal citizen, using his freedom rights, whereas the police, in this case, were the ones acting more like terrorist with their SWAT-like units and hazardous dispersing tactics such as sonic weapons, long range acoustic devices and tear gas.
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Aside from paying local property taxes, Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too may still struggle to pay off the bills at the end of the month.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Tax breaks or school vouchers are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.

The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.
In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Works Cited:
1. “Religious Education And School Taxes.” New York Times; 7th of August 2005, p13.http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=28703820&site=ehost-live
2.Paquette, Jerry. “Public Funding for "Private" Education: The Equity Challenge of Enhanced Choice.” American Journal of Education; Aug2005, Vol. 111 Issue 4, p568-595, 28P
3. Kennedy, Robert. “Schools For Learning Disabilities” Web.
4. Eggler, Bruce. “Fight possible over tax break for Private School Tuition.” The Times-Picayune: New Orleans Metro Real-Time News. March 08, 2008
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Final Report
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Aside from paying local property taxes, Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too may still struggle to pay off the bills at the end of the month.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.

Tax breaks or school vouchers are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.

The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.

In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tax Breaks or School Vouchers for Low-Income Private School Parents
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Private school tax breaks are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.
The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.
In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Rough Draft
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Private school tax breaks are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of children with special needs. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their special needs children, and will also give tax breaks for home schooling expenses.
The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thesis Revised&Sources
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. The local property taxes that we pay assists in the funding of public services, city streets, roads, police, and fire protection. Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. It has become very difficult for many parents to send their children to private or parochial schools. They are now not only paying for their own child’s education but also for someone else’s. People who decide to send their children to private or parochial schools usually do so out of a purposeful and thought out assessment of their child’s best needs and benefits. Although it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools.
Old Thesis:
The local property taxes that we pay assists in the funding of public services, city streets, roads, police, and fire protection. Americans also pay a separate school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. People who send their children to private schools, still spend thousands in taxes to fund these public schools. Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Although it's ones own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
2 Thesis Paragraphs
Driving laws have become more stringent over the years, and it's taken part of our free choice away. The government should now force citizens to wear a seat belt when its causing no harm to anyone but the person himself. It is now an enforced law to protect ourselves against harm, it's no longer a choice. I can understand the prohibitions against cell phones, speeding, and headlights- because they all endanger the lives of others driving as well, but when it comes to seat belts it SHOULD be my decision and personal responsibility. Obesity in the United States also has caused much harm to citizens, leading to all sorts of diseases. So what's next, am I going to be given a certain amount of calories I'm allowed to intake every day as well?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
"The New Literacy" by Clive Thompson
1. Even though it may be true that new media is giving our youth practice in writing and a “cool direction” is this short-hand, misspelled words, and ungrammatical new way of writing appropriate and even worth it?
2. There are two sides to this debate on the growing technology and “new media”- which one offers more advantages to the future of our countries literacy? Are books and newspapers going to be written in short-hand, IM-language soon as well?
3. The Internet benefits those kids who would never pick up a newspaper but would read a short AOL-news article on their laptops. However, is there any fear that these kids may be getting the wrong facts? Can we completely rely on the Internet for the news around the world? If so, will there be a day where newspapers just wont exist anymore?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"Online, R U really reading?"
Even though Nadia’s mother would prefer that her daughter would read books and not spend all her time in front of the computer, she at least appreciates that Nadia still “reads something anymore.” However, the debate has two sides- some believe that the rapid development and growth of technology and the internet is actually the cause for the illiteracy of our youth. They say that the speed of the internet and the quick change in scene by just the click of a button is also a leading factor in the high numbers of children with ADD and low attention spans in this growing generation. On the contrary, some other opinions believe that not only is the internet harmful and damaging to our youth’s literacy but has even sprouted more reading and writing. Many children, like Nadia, would spend those 6 free hours a day doing other activities, such as watching T.V., if it were not for the excitement of the internet grabbing her interest.
Online reading and writing has even proven to be helpful for children with dyslexia and other reading disabilities. “The internet helps them feel comfortable with a new kind of reading.”
Ms. Konyk says that she would much rather that Nadia would read books because “reading opens up doors to places that you probably will never get to visit in your lifetime, to cultures, to worlds, to people.” However, I personally feel that this is not true. The internet more than any other invention to date can make a person from one side of the world feel like they are living the culture and life of someone on the opposite side of the world. With the vast pictures and videos available on the web and on youtube, from the comfort of my own computer chair in my bedroom, I can take a journey into the wild life safari of Africa or even into a cultural Indian wedding. I think that the internet may sometimes even give a better depiction of cultures, the world, and different people than reading any book can.
***It is interesting to note that many of the past articles we have read about reading on the Internet talk about how people like to read just the short and simple and get too bored when it comes to reading long passages- but almost all of those articles are in fact very long themselves. They just use tricks, such as with this Online New York Times article, of splitting one article into 4 pages, so you only see in front of your computer screen a short passage to be read at once.
1.How are children's writing skills improving because of the internet if they are accostoming themselves to shorter words and incorrect spelling?
2.Why cant there be a middle path? A way to train kids to do 2 hours of reading in actual print books and 2 hours of online reading? Would that give our youth the benefits of both sides?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
“New Media and the Slow Death of the Written Word”
Eventually, the author recognizes that even though he loves the old text and the written word of newspapers, there are certain features that “New Media” provides which enables writers to expand their narrative styles -such as, hypertext links. Some people opposed this idea though. For example, Sven Birket states that computer-mediated texts will make a person too lazy to read or appreciate traditional texts and literature. He also strongly believes that the medium in which a certain text is being conveyed “conditions the message considerably.”
Mark Zeltner realized that the “New Media” is, in fact, beneficial and can assist in appreciating old texts. Zeltner developed ten basic rules, from his own past experiences in both writing and new-media documents, to help guide beginner students in the field of new-media writing.
The first rule is to “Keep it tight: short paragraphs, simple active sentences, treat every word as a rare and valuable jewel.” In other pieces of texts “length equals quality,” however, with the new-media the most major rule is to keep your stories short and to the point. For example, the common way of IM chatting and texting has even shortened words by removing letters from it.
The second rule is to “Break your text into appropriate "chunks" for reading, be aware of content when deciding between click or scroll.” This rule advises new-media writers to be extra careful in not losing their readers interest by regularly making them click to new pages or screens.
The third rule is to “think in modules, preplan possible paths for your reader, and insure that important information is difficult or impossible to miss”. Our generation has been classified with low attention spans. In order to keep a reader involved and attracted, it is important for the writer to clearly state the significant facts and ideas of the piece so that the reader may see if he or she is interested to continue. The writer must foresee the direction he wants to send his readers. I definitely do agree with this rule. I think that it is very important for the writer to keep his readers fascinated, with a desire to continue on reading more.
The fourth rule is to “Use images mostly to convey messages that you cannot convey with words and use thumbnails to link to higher resolution images.” It may be difficult at times to accurately portray a person’s feelings and emotions through words, however a picture can do so within seconds. The color, excitement, and freshness of a picture of beautiful pink flowers in a garden will give over a more satisfying feeling to a reader than just a plain description.
The fifth rule is to“Use audio clips judiciously, don’t distract your reader but use clips to add to their experience.” This is also a fundamental rule- although, I believe that it could have just been combined with the fourth rule. It mainly just continues to play on with the same idea that adding an audio clip will add more emotion and meaning than just a bunch of words.
The sixth rule is to “Use desktop video sparingly, use primarily to convey a mood or present a person’s style or demeanor--not for content.” Again, I would combine this rule together with rules #4 and #5. They are all techniques of giving the reader a deeper experience while reading the piece of writing, so that they will be able to comprehend a specific mood or atmosphere more appropriately. I agree with the author on the point that new-media writers should keep videos short.
The seventh rule is to “Link all footnotes, create your own definition and description pages, and don’t hyperlink off your document.” I totally agree with making all footnotes linked back to a bibliography page and to the specific reference text. This gives the reader the opportunity to check the validity of the writers words and references with the ease of just the click of a button. This advantage is not found in old text, print documents.
The eighth rule is to “Use hyperlinks off your document sparingly, gather your related links in the appendix of your document.” This rule appears redundant where the same idea was stated in the seventh rule. The main point of this rule also seems to be repeating rule #1 and #2- which explained that readers’ low attention span forces writers to be more brief and to the point, rather than giving over long, boring pieces.
These ten rules illustrate that the “New Media” is not damaging the future of the written word, but rather making it a more widespread and significant part of our lives today. These rules add texture, excitement, and interest to the old-fashioned written word.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Head claims parents of private school pupils deserve tax breaks - Times Online
Tax Deduction for Private School - Questions from Readers
Public school - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Research Done on Seatbelt Laws:
Click here: Seatbelt Pro Choice.com
Seat Belt Law (HB383): Talking Points
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Driving laws have become more stringent over the years, and it's taken part of our free choice away. It is now an enforced law to protect ourselves against harm, it's no longer a choice. The government forces citizens to wear a seat belt when its causing no harm to anyone but the person himself. I can understand the prohibitions against cell phones, speeding, and headlights- because they all endanger the lives of others driving as well, but when it comes to seat belts it SHOULD be my decision and personal responsibility. Obesity in the United States also has caused much harm to citizens, leading to all sorts of diseases. So what's next, am I going to be given a certain amount of calories I'm allowed to intake every day as well?
Why are Private School Parents Paying Taxes for children in Public School?
Taxes are a stressful but an inevitable reality.
However, it has become more pressuring to some parents over others. Private school parents deserve tax breaks. People who send their children to private schools, still spend thousands in taxes to fund public schools. I'm starting to question whether or not that's fair. Although it's ones own decision to send their child to a private institution, shouldn't some of their tax money be returned or at least used towards their own child's education?
How much power do parents have over keeping their children in close-knit communities?
Preserving ones own culture is a beautiful thing. It's definitely important to keep hold of your customs, heritage, and traditions but to what extent could parents enforce their children to stay within their own cultural group? What about when it comes to marriage? For example, the Jewish people are of one religion but there are many cultural differences between Jews from Spain and Jews from Germany. Usually it's encouraged to marry within the group that you're born into but other times, it's even enforced.
Monday, September 28, 2009
The first article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?,” by Nicholas Carr, explains how we have become so used to Google and the internet giving us the quick answers to basically everything that we want, that it has become harder for us to go about our daily lives, or even simply read a book, anymore without it. I sadly have fallen victim to this myself. The writer tells how his “concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages.” I, too, used to be able to read tons of books when I was younger. However, as the years have gone by, and I have become more accustomed to the internet-taking advantage of the brevity of AOL news rather than actual newspapers, and just searching Google for the shorter version of the book I was assigned to read for Literature class- I seem to have lost that ability to sit through reading a simple 200 page novel.
This may seem like a negative aspect of the rising use of internet and search engines, such as Google, but I believe that it has also increased my knowledge of so many different things I may never have been introduced to if not for the internet. I can now search so many assorted texts, researches, maps, stories, and online articles on about anything and everything. Even if I’m wondering what tomorrow’s weather will be, I can easily find out with the click of a few buttons.
Google continues to successfully accomplished it’s goal of gathering the world’s information and making it “universally accessible and useful.” However, Google’s computer genius founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, might be taking their ideas one step too far. They are now working on turning their online search engine into an artificial intelligence attached to our brains. Personally, this is a very scary thought to me. I would not want my brain being taken over my a computer chip stored with all different kinds of random facts. Then again, am I putting these random, maybe even erroneous, facts into my head on my own just by using the internet as my #1 guidance for all my inquiries and turning to Google for the answer to all my daily questions?
In the article “The Internet Is No Substitute for the Dying Newspaper Industry” the decline of newspapers is not being blamed on the rise of the internet and technology, but rather on the “intellectual poverty of our post-literate world.” People in our generation have just become too adapted and comfortable with short reading and quick moving images on the screen that we don’t even bother to pick up a newspaper anymore.
Chris Hedges relates his concerns about newspapers journalist all around the world losing their jobs, and about how and increasing amount of people are now referring to the Internet as their source for current event updates. He says that newspapers “are a public trust” informing citizens about cultural and political life by hiring people “to write about city hall, the state capital, political campaigns, sports, music, art and theater.” Hedges states that people who rely on the Internet as their source for news will be apt to return to those specific sites which support their opinions and viewpoint. The author tries to reinforce his position by warning the public that we should be careful not to lose our journalists and reporters of the newspapers to bloggers because “facts, for many bloggers, are interchangeable with opinions,” whereas journalism gives you all the details of the present story whether you want to hear it or not. I agree with the author in the sense that people who turn to the internet for their source of news may only be reading one side of the story; although, I still believe that many have benefited from the internet’s news reports. I mean, I know even though I may enjoy picking up a newspaper on a Sunday morning, my 15-year old brother would never be able to sit through reading an entire newspaper article and the short news posts or videos he picks up from the internet may be all he’s getting all week long.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Onion Review:
This story sets out to reinforce how ridiculous and comical it is that parents are so disconnected with teenagers college-life reality these day. It also puts across how desperate some mothers are to being directly involved in their children’s lives that they resort to Facebook and Twitters to “keep an eye” on their children.
Fuming Father Refuses to Pay for Pageant Mom's Mess-Up!
By: Elisheva Liviem
Date: September 21st 2009
Houston, Texas- Angry father, Timothy Jones, tries to sue TLC’s new hit show: Toddlers and Tiaras, for his wife’s own stupid mistake, after she spent 40 grand on plastic surgery to give 5-year old daughter, Briana, the perfect nose which ended up a nightmare.
“I told Veronica that she was taking it too far from the day she started taking my 3-year old, Briana, for spray tanning and fake nails,” disappointed Jones tells lawyers “but I completely blame the pageant company for encouraging these mothers to do all it takes to make their innocent little girls perfect. It‘s really all their fault.”
Veronica Jones put her sweet daughter, Briana, in her first beauty pageant when she was just 9 months old. Veronica felt very intimidated by the competing pageant mothers and did all it takes to make sure that her lovely Briana took home the winning tiara at every pageant. “She loves competing,” mother Veronica relates, “she enjoys the traveling, staying at different hotels, and getting all dressed up for the shows. And I’m just happy that she’s happy.” However, this little slumber party ended when judges criticized Briana’s nose in one pageant and Veronica’s immediate succeeding response was plastic surgery.
After the surgeons screwed up Briana‘s nose, mistakenly switching it for Michael J. Jr.’s nose chart, Veronica kept it all a secret, hoping hot-tempered husband, Timothy, wouldn’t realize.
Luckily, Timothy didn’t say a word to either Veronica or Briana until 2 weeks later, when the crazy surgery bill was sent in the mail. Fumed Jones is convinced he will win the court case hearing, scheduled for next Tuesday, to get the pageant show and Toddler&Tiaras to reimburse for Briana’s surgery.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
18 Year-Old Volunteer Finds a New Meaning to Life from Heartbreaking Experience with Autistic Child:
Date: September 17, 2009
Within her first five steps into the Friendship Circle Center, a ragged old house on the corner of East Shore Road, in Great Neck, N.Y., early Sunday morning, Eli Liviem immediately knew that she would not be able to survive a day volunteering to be a “friend” to functionally and mentally disabled children.
“What the heck am I doing here? What a huge mistake?” Eli affirms were her first thoughts, “Why did I ever sign up for this?”
The room was loud, crowded, and demanding as temperamental autistic children threw unexpected fits. Eli was about to turn around and leave the center when she suddenly caught eye to a young girl who was sitting on the other side of the room. This child’s warm, loving smile and the happiness shining from her eyes immediately fascinated Eli. Staring at her cheerful eagerness as she completed the last few pieces of her alphabet puzzle, Eli realized there was something particularly special about her.
Mr. Rosenthal, the Friendship Circle director, informed Eli that she would be working with a ten year old girl named Joelle who had an undiagnosed form of mental retardation. Eli’s job was to provide companionship, support, and encouragement for the special needs child assigned under her care. (Joelle was adopted at birth, as a perfectly healthy child, by a lovely couple that was unable to have children of their own. Unexpectedly, due to a virus at the age of three, Joelle developed a mental impairment.)
As Eli was lost in her gaze, Mr. Rosenthal called her over to introduce her to her “friend.” He led Eli across the room to a small yellow table in corner where Joelle sat with her puzzle. “I couldn’t believe it.” Eli told reporters recounting her initial surprise, “Joelle was the girl for whom I felt such a strong attraction to when I first walked into the room that morning!” Something about Joelle’s warmth of attitude made Eli feel welcome and perfectly comfortable.
From that first day three and a half years ago, Eli has spent almost every Sunday morning playing, learning, and laughing with Joelle. In addition to their weekly meetings, Eli occasionally took Joelle bowling, out for pizza, or to see the latest Disney movie. As the years passed, it became increasingly obvious that Joelle not only appreciated Eli but really thought of her as a true friend.
Eli’s week always started with the sweet flowery scent of Joelle’s hair as she wrapped herself into Eli’s arms, in the beginning of their session each Sunday morning. The months flew by and Joelle remained as happy as always until one Sunday morning in early May, the Sunday morning that would change Eli’s life forever.
She arrived at the Friendship Circle Center a little late and immediately noticed the back of Joelle’s head as she sat alone at a yellow table in the corner of the room. Expecting the usual hug and kiss, followed by a shriek of joy and laughter, Eli lightly tapped Joelle’s shoulder to grab her attention. Instead, Joelle turned her chair, stood up-staring straight into Eli’s eyes, and slapped her across the face!! Joelle screamed, yelled, punched Eli’s shoulder, and kicked her legs.
“I didn’t know what was happening,” Eli explains, “My heart raced, my fingers trembled, and my body began to shake. Never in my life had I been as petrified as I was that exact moment.” Eli’s body began to tremble. “What had happened to Joelle? Why didn’t she remember me? Why was she acting like this?” As the questions rushed through Eli’s head, tears began to run down her cheeks.
Mr. Rosenthal saw what had happened and hurried over to calm Joelle down and explain to Eli her sudden aggressive behavior. A few days earlier, he explained, Joelle’s doctor changed her medication in hope of reducing her mental impairments. The doctors didn’t know if the new medication would successfully work on Joelle, but warned her parents that the change might affect her personality and behavior. It wasn’t Joelle’s fault for hitting Eli; it was the effect of her new medication.
Eli cries when retelling the story, “Joelle didn’t play and laugh with me that Sunday morning. She wasn’t the gregarious, high spirited, friendly girl I used to know. And it was only then that I realized I needed Joelle to be my friend as much as she needed me to be hers.”
After three years of standing by Joelle, as she grew and developed from a lonely ten-year old child into a wonderful teenage girl, Eli finally recognized how much Joelle had added to her own life all along.
As she left the Friendship Circle Center that Sunday morning, Eli’s life was not the same. It was missing something--Joelle.
Joelle made Eli realize that giving to others was something she deeply wanted to do with her life. She showed Eli that being a mentor, teacher, and educator were each important and fulfilling. Being a friend, however, was more valuable.
“I never thought that volunteering my time at the Friendship Circle would give me something back;” Eli confessed, “Yet, it gave me a gift I would not have been able to obtain anywhere else, the gift of ‘friendship.’”
Eli hopes to take her experiences with Joelle and use them to be a better educator and teacher one day. As Joelle said when she was only 11 years old, “teachers are the best people in the world!”
Eli has now moved on to graduate as a Special Education major and spend the rest of her days with little boys and girls just like Joelle.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Michael Skube, a journalist for The Los Angeles Times, strongly regards blogging as a form of destruction for journalism and newspapers. In his article, “Blogs: All the noise that fits,” Skube portrays blogging to be a hobby that bloggers occupy themselves with in order to give over their own opinions and takes on different issues which should not to be mistaken for the factual information journalists would provide. Bloggers have the ability to write and post whatever they want to say and don’t need to worry about any rules, while journalist and editors need to go through an entire checking process by the newspapers. Michael Skube feels so strongly on his point because he doesn’t think that bloogers are putting enough effort into making sure what they’re writing is the correct information, rather just stating their own independent opinions.
Even before the internet was created, Christopher Lasch, a journalist and historian, expressed his view on public affairs, saying that there is a vast amount of facts and information being supplied but, what the audience now needs is to hear different opinions. So on the contrary to Skube, Lasch originally agreed with the blogging idea.
Andrew Sullivan’s report called “The Blogging Revolution,” takes a totally different twist. He supports the bloggers side, and believes that it’s a more personal piece from the writer’s point of view. Anyways, he says, readers know that writers and editors for newspapers are just simply the same as these bloggers sitting behind their computer screens. Ten years ago, if you wanted to get your idea out, there was a whole process of getting and editor, then a publisher, make it into a book, etc…Although, now with the blogging revolution, anyone can easily do this entire process from within their own very homes.
Both Michael Skube and Andrew Sullian agree on the fact that blogging has greatly affected the journalism and media field, but their positions are totally contradictory. Andrew Sullivan enjoys the fact that he could write and posts blogs without having to pass through the newspapers, so he can feel free to add his own opinions into the articles, whereas Michael Skube supports the principle that articles need to be written by fact, not personal outlook. They both agree on the concept that readers clearly understand the bloggers emotions about the topics being discussed. Sullivan and Skube also agree on the fact that blogging has become more popular as the internet has become a more focal societal interest.
I personally agree with Andrew Sullivan because I feel that readers are interested in not only hearing the facts but also knowing what others have to say about them.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Friendship Circle of Great Neck
The room was loud, crowded, and demanding as temperamental autistic children threw unexpected fits.
Within my first five steps into the Friendship Circle Center, a ragged old house on the corner of East Shore Road, in Great Neck, N.Y., I already knew it wasn’t the place for me. However, I was suddenly attracted to a young girl who was sitting on the other side of the room. Her warm, loving smile and the happiness shining from her eyes immediately fascinated me. Staring at her cheerful eagerness as she completed the last few pieces of her alphabet puzzle, I realized there was something particularly special about her.
Mr. Rosenthal, the Friendship Circle director, informed me that I would be working with a ten year old girl named Joelle who had an undiagnosed form of mental retardation. My job would be to provide companionship, support, and encouragement for the special needs child assigned under my care. Joelle was adopted at birth, as a perfectly healthy child, by a lovely couple that was unable to have children of their own. Unexpectedly, due to a virus at the age of three, Joelle developed a mental impairment.
Mr. Rosenthal called me over to introduce me to my “friend.” He led me across the room to a small yellow table in corner where she sat with her puzzle. I couldn’t believe it. Joelle was the girl for whom I felt such a strong attraction when I first walked into the room that morning! Something about her warmth of attitude made me feel welcome and perfectly comfortable.
From that first day three and a half years ago, I have spent almost every Sunday morning playing, learning, and laughing with Joelle. In addition to our weekly meetings, I occasionally took Joelle bowling, out for pizza, or to see the latest Disney movie. As the years passed, it became increasingly obvious that Joelle not only appreciated me but really thought of me as a true friend.
My week always started with the sweet flowery scent of Joelle’s hair as she wrapped herself into my arms in the beginning of our session each Sunday morning. The months flew by and Joelle remained as happy as always until one Sunday morning in early May, the Sunday morning that would change my life. I arrived at the Friendship Circle center a little late and immediately noticed the back of Joelle’s head as she sat alone at a yellow table in the corner of the room. Expecting the usual hug and kiss, followed by a scream of joy and laughter, I lightly tapped Joelle’s shoulder to grab her attention. Instead, Joelle turned her chair, stood up staring straight into my eyes, and slapped me across the face. She screamed, yelled, punched my shoulder, and kicked my legs. I didn’t know what was happening. My heart raced, my fingers trembled, and my body began to shake. Never in my life had I been as petrified as I was that exact moment. “What had happened to Joelle? Why didn’t she remember me? Why was she acting like this?” As the questions rushed through my head, tears began to run down my cheeks.
Mr. Rosenthal saw what had happened and hurried over to calm Joelle down and explain to me her sudden aggressive behavior. A few days earlier, he explained, Joelle’s doctor changed her medication in hope of reducing her mental impairments. The doctors didn’t know if the new medication would successfully work on Joelle, but warned her parents that the change might affect her personality and behavior. It wasn’t Joelle’s fault for hitting me; it was the effect of her new medication.
Joelle didn’t play and laugh with me that Sunday morning. She wasn’t the gregarious, high spirited, friendly girl I used to know. And it was only then that I realized I needed Joelle to be my friend as much as she needed me to be hers. After three years of standing by her, as she grew and developed from a lonely ten-year old child into a wonderful teenage girl, I finally recognized how much Joelle had added to my own life all along.
As I left the Friendship Circle Center that Sunday morning, my life was not the same. It was missing something-Joelle. Joelle made me realize that giving to others was something I wanted to do with my life. She showed me that being a mentor, teacher, and educator were each important and fulfilling. Being a friend, however, was more valuable. I never thought that volunteering my time at the Friendship Circle would give me something back; yet, it gave me a gift I would not have been able to obtain anywhere else, the gift of “friendship.”
I hope to take my experiences with Joelle and use them to be a better educator and teacher one day. As Joelle said when she was only 11 years old, “teachers are the best people in the world!”