"I have submitted your evaluation."
Thank-you so much for a wonderful semester! I will never forget it! We learnt, laughed, blogged and enjoyed!
It was really a pleasure!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
G20 Response
On November 16th I attended the Queens College conference discussing the Pittsburgh Protests at the G20 convention on September 24th and 25th. The riots broke out into something I have never seen or even heard of before. Honestly, I went to the conference hoping to gain some extra credit points in my English class; however, I left with a sense of understanding for how corrupt our own government polices could be and really wanting to know more. Later, I spent hours watching you tube videos and reading more and more about the G20 riots in Pittsburgh.
The police took rather unnecessary harsh action against these protestors and not only shut down roads and restricted their freedom of speech but also used LRAD sonic guns to break up the crowds. These sonic guns had only been formerly used in Iraq against crowds of terrorists. The police used harmful, disrupting tactics to prove that they are the ones in charge and unnecessarily hurt many innocent people along the side-roads. It is reasonable to have some police located at a sight of a protest just to be there for the safety of the people if a fight breaks out, but the police action seen at these Pittsburgh Protests is disgusting. Their main goal was to show that the police authority and the government have more power over regular citizens, however, doesn’t our country stand for something else? Where do we see the police abiding by the amendments during this incident?
I was also very angered to see that the police authorities took such harsh treatment against Eliott Madison, just because he was “twittering” the location of the police to the protesters from his hotel room throughout the rally. He was arrested and his apartment was searched by an FBI counter-terrorism unit. This infers that he was suspected to be a type of ‘terrorist’- since an FBI counter-terrorism unit raided his NY apartment. This angers me most because Eliott Madison is just a normal citizen, using his freedom rights, whereas the police, in this case, were the ones acting more like terrorist with their SWAT-like units and hazardous dispersing tactics such as sonic weapons, long range acoustic devices and tear gas.
The police took rather unnecessary harsh action against these protestors and not only shut down roads and restricted their freedom of speech but also used LRAD sonic guns to break up the crowds. These sonic guns had only been formerly used in Iraq against crowds of terrorists. The police used harmful, disrupting tactics to prove that they are the ones in charge and unnecessarily hurt many innocent people along the side-roads. It is reasonable to have some police located at a sight of a protest just to be there for the safety of the people if a fight breaks out, but the police action seen at these Pittsburgh Protests is disgusting. Their main goal was to show that the police authority and the government have more power over regular citizens, however, doesn’t our country stand for something else? Where do we see the police abiding by the amendments during this incident?
I was also very angered to see that the police authorities took such harsh treatment against Eliott Madison, just because he was “twittering” the location of the police to the protesters from his hotel room throughout the rally. He was arrested and his apartment was searched by an FBI counter-terrorism unit. This infers that he was suspected to be a type of ‘terrorist’- since an FBI counter-terrorism unit raided his NY apartment. This angers me most because Eliott Madison is just a normal citizen, using his freedom rights, whereas the police, in this case, were the ones acting more like terrorist with their SWAT-like units and hazardous dispersing tactics such as sonic weapons, long range acoustic devices and tear gas.
my video:
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Aside from paying local property taxes, Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too may still struggle to pay off the bills at the end of the month.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Tax breaks or school vouchers are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.

The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.
In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Works Cited:
1. “Religious Education And School Taxes.” New York Times; 7th of August 2005, p13.http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=28703820&site=ehost-live
2.Paquette, Jerry. “Public Funding for "Private" Education: The Equity Challenge of Enhanced Choice.” American Journal of Education; Aug2005, Vol. 111 Issue 4, p568-595, 28P
3. Kennedy, Robert. “Schools For Learning Disabilities” Web.
4. Eggler, Bruce. “Fight possible over tax break for Private School Tuition.” The Times-Picayune: New Orleans Metro Real-Time News. March 08, 2008
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Aside from paying local property taxes, Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too may still struggle to pay off the bills at the end of the month.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Tax breaks or school vouchers are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.

The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.
In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Works Cited:
1. “Religious Education And School Taxes.” New York Times; 7th of August 2005, p13.http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=28703820&site=ehost-live
2.Paquette, Jerry. “Public Funding for "Private" Education: The Equity Challenge of Enhanced Choice.” American Journal of Education; Aug2005, Vol. 111 Issue 4, p568-595, 28P
3. Kennedy, Robert. “Schools For Learning Disabilities” Web.
4. Eggler, Bruce. “Fight possible over tax break for Private School Tuition.” The Times-Picayune: New Orleans Metro Real-Time News. March 08, 2008
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Final Report
my video:
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Aside from paying local property taxes, Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too may still struggle to pay off the bills at the end of the month.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.

Tax breaks or school vouchers are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.

The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.
In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Aside from paying local property taxes, Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too may still struggle to pay off the bills at the end of the month.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.

Tax breaks or school vouchers are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.

The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.

In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tax Breaks or School Vouchers for Low-Income Private School Parents
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Aside from paying local property taxes, Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too may still struggle to pay off the bills at the end of the month.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Private school tax breaks are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.
The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.
In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Private school tax breaks are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of differently abled children. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their differently abled children.
The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Since many will argue that rich people do not deserve tax breaks one solution is to create a system where the government makes an evaluation of each families income and distributes school vouchers accordingly. This income cap will give tax breaks to families who can not afford private schools but still want their children to attend one.
In 2004, Congress endorsed the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, a school-voucher program, in Washington, giving 1,700 students up to $7,500 in a voucher to help low-income families send their children to the school of their choice. This program has helped many children succeed and has given hope to brighter futures for children with learning disabilities.
However in 2009, President Barack Obama’s administration completely shut the program down. So on May 6th, 2009 parents and students assembled in Washington, D.C.'s Freedom Plaza to rally for their cause.
Mercedes Campbell, one of the students affected by the congressional Democrats backdoor legislature move to shut down the voucher system, voiced her support for the program at the rally and various other events. She was given the opportunity to attend a private school because of the voucher program but her younger sister and brother wont be able to have that choice. On Fox news, reporter Brit Hume said about Obama that by ending the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program “he would be signing a bill that would strip two poor kids of the educational opportunity his own children are enjoying.”
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Rough Draft
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. The local property taxes that we pay assists in the funding of public services, city streets, roads, police, and fire protection. Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. It has become very difficult for many parents to send their children to private or parochial schools. They are now not only paying for their own child’s education but also for someone else’s. People who decide to send their children to private or parochial schools usually do so out of a purposeful assessment of their child’s needs. Many people feel that since private school parents make this decision on their own they shouldn’t be given any tax breaks; however, not all private school parents are rich and they too, may still struggle to pay of the bills at the end of the month. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Private school tax breaks are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of children with special needs. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their special needs children, and will also give tax breaks for home schooling expenses.
The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
In 2008, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal initiated a debate about tax breaks for private school tuition. He presented a plan to the Legislature, where 50 percent of the private school tuition, up to $5,000, would be deducted from the families state income tax. This could save $60 to $300 per child in taxes for the family. Some fear that “this legislation may subsidize private schools at the expense of public school children,” however, if the government would give tuition vouchers it would open up more opportunities for low-income families to send their children to private schools.
Private school tax breaks are not only beneficial for parents who want to send their children to a parochial school, where their children will get a dual curriculum, learning both religious and general studies, but also for parents of children with special needs. Many parents, even though they may be financially struggling, need to put a child in a private institute for more personalized attention due to learning or social disabilities. It has been proven that children with ADD/ADHA, dyslexia, and other learning disabilities succeed more in private schools with trained teachers and the proper accommodations for their specific learning situations. Tax breaks can help more parents afford these private schools for their special needs children, and will also give tax breaks for home schooling expenses.
The US government should pay more attention to school taxes and the strains it is putting on many families who are not even benefiting from them. Even though it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. As it remains now, private school parents are paying for two education bills yearly. One for their own child’s private school tuition and another for someone else’s child’s public school.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thesis Revised&Sources
New Thesis:
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. The local property taxes that we pay assists in the funding of public services, city streets, roads, police, and fire protection. Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. It has become very difficult for many parents to send their children to private or parochial schools. They are now not only paying for their own child’s education but also for someone else’s. People who decide to send their children to private or parochial schools usually do so out of a purposeful and thought out assessment of their child’s best needs and benefits. Although it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools.
Old Thesis:
The local property taxes that we pay assists in the funding of public services, city streets, roads, police, and fire protection. Americans also pay a separate school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. People who send their children to private schools, still spend thousands in taxes to fund these public schools. Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Although it's ones own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education.
Private school parents deserve tax breaks. The local property taxes that we pay assists in the funding of public services, city streets, roads, police, and fire protection. Americans also pay an additional school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. It has become very difficult for many parents to send their children to private or parochial schools. They are now not only paying for their own child’s education but also for someone else’s. People who decide to send their children to private or parochial schools usually do so out of a purposeful and thought out assessment of their child’s best needs and benefits. Although it’s a couple’s own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education. The government should offer parents of children attending private schools tax breaks or reimbursement vouchers since they do not use the district’s public schools.
Old Thesis:
The local property taxes that we pay assists in the funding of public services, city streets, roads, police, and fire protection. Americans also pay a separate school tax that is used only in the public schools’ education system. People who send their children to private schools, still spend thousands in taxes to fund these public schools. Private school parents deserve tax breaks. Although it's ones own decision to send their child to a private institution, some of their tax money should be returned or at least used towards their own child's education.
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